Some individuals have always stated that some fruits, nuts or vegetables are super foods. This is a contentious subject, but it must be true that some foodstuffs are better for you than others, but whether it is justifiable to hype up a foodstuff for a quick buck is another topic. Blueberries are a case in point. Are blueberries a super fruit or not?Proponents of blueberries say that they are rich in goose down coat antioxidants and that they can improve vision and relieve eye strain; enhance brain and memory functions and combat urinary tract infections (UTI's). Blueberries are said to be abounding in antioxidants and anthocyanins, but what are they?
Well, antioxidants are said to counteract the effects of oxidation and free radicals, which are often linked to the development of cancer and anthocyanins are a kind of flavonoids, which are also an anti-carcinogen.Blueberries are also in the bottom category of the Glycemic Index. The Glycemic Index employs white bread as the marker against which every foodstuff is calculated. Above 70 is considered high; between 56 and 59 is medium and below 55 is low. Blueberries, at 53, is at the high end of low. This is not vital information for many individuals, but it is important for dieters and diabetics.Blueberries are said to improve eyesight because of the anthocyanins, which reinforce the capillaries, which would assist the flow of blood to the eyes goose down coat, which may help conserve vision.
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