"Home decorators who embark on their first experiences with Cottage style sometimes find they overdo it without meaning to do so. The result is often an unhappy experience with a home decorating style that's meant to be friendly and comforting.Just follow along and you can also have your own ""cottage"", wherever you may live.Simplicity in Window Treatment:You don't want to lose the essence of the Cottage style so this is tip number one. The theme is synonymous with the great outdoors - the sun and the windy breeze. Using curtains or drapes to block both out of any room will result in a half-baked Cottage style that simply looks off. Bamboo blinds accented with organza panels give a feeling of freedom. An added bonus is that the tantalizing movement of the two when a breeze passes through has the ability to calm frayed nerves.Mix Old and New:The beauty of the Cottage style is that it does not follow a rigid set of rules. You can mix family heirloom pieces with furnishings you just bought without fear of ruining the look.
Cottage style is open to interpretation and experimentation. Want to mix your wedding silver with Grandma's china? You can try, and if you like the look, you can keep it. You can pair an old rocking chair from your ancestral home with a modern area rug in a foliage pattern. Mixing vintage with modern takes skill but is a lot of fun.Blend With Harmony:Blending elements is at its most effective when scale and patterns are balanced. For maximum effect, a large-scale pattern would work best on a yellow area rug, where it would easily catch everybody's attention. Smaller-scale patterns belong on pillows or upholstery on a reading chair.Display Your Cherished Possessions:Don't go for a look that seems more suited to a museum. Overly organized displays will make your home look less inviting. Guests will fear ruining the meticulous arrangements that they will feel uncomfortable. With Cottage style, there is room for more artwork, your collections, your heirlooms, everything.
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